Submitted by Liz Hart
STEVE! How are we turning 50 this year? I still think back to us as kids in Jackson, just living our best life in the mid 80s (which really isn't that long ago, is it?)
I'm so grateful that we reconnected in midlife. It's been a blast hanging out, eating all the food, enjoying your best cocktails and bartending moments and forming memories with you and Christina (who is one of my all time favorite people BTW you scored BIG with that one ).
Cheers to 50 years of fabulousness and many more to come!
Love. Jen M & Eric R
Happy 50th Birthday Steve!
Here's hoping you have a day filled with Yang's Market delights. Nothing pairs better with a classic Lannen cocktail than a kilo of jolly ranchers.
We're sorry that we missed your bday, but hope to see you (and your new cat) soon. Until then, your journalistic true crime cameos will have to do.
-- Sara + Greg
Happy Birthday Steve, May you be blessed with lots happiness, health and prosperity !!
I’m so glad that we become family.
Happy 50th, Steve! Hope it's a fabulous day and year ahead. May we all adopt your Dude-like Zen to survive these bonkers times. Please come to CO and bring your lovely wife!
Love, Kiley, Silvio, Nico and Luca
Please wish Stevie a happy birthday! The older you do get, the more rules they try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin man, L I V I N.
-- Pete
MISSED CONNECTIONS: To the dashing young gentleman who makes Christina and the neighborhood cats so happy. Wishing you a bountiful harvest in your garden and in life.
Happy birthday! From Avanti and Ajay
ADVICE: Always have a side gig. It will help to keep you out of of trouble with your Manager and Controller at home. It sure has worked for me!
Stephen, do not divulge these words of wisdom to my Manager.
-- Saint Nick
Happy birthday, Steve! Thanks for lovingly editing the Gazette articles. Our little source of neighborhood news is next level because of your time and talent! It's such a treat to have the opportunity to get to know you via our planning sessions. Appreciate your humor and kind soul, Steve! May the year of 50 be one filled of adventure, love, and joy.
-- Holly
Happy 50th birthday, Steve!! To Georgetown's favorite resident, the man who always remains calm in the face of Wolverines and Lions meltdowns, a man who is always down for a beautiful hike, we celebrate you. We have loved our little friend group blossoming as we all found ourselves in Seattle after years in DC - we deeply cherish our cabin weekends and group cooking adventures with the Fat Boy cutting board, our time watching and occasionally screaming at sports, and finding excuses to share Michigan-themed memes and Reels. May this next decade bring you enormous joy, fulfillment, good health, good food and wine, exciting travels, serenity, and bar scheeze. Cheers, friend!!
--Andie & Andy
Happy birthday Steve! It’s the big 5-0! I hope all your birthday wishes come true.
-- Edward
Steve, Hope you have a great birthday filled with a delicious adult beverage, the love and appreciation for you of your wife and countless friends, and an adoring neighborhood cat. While I miss seeing you at more regular intervals, I am proud to call you friend and we look forward to seeing you and Christina in the near future. Hope you are feeling the love today! 50! Whew! That's a lot.